IBM OPERATING SYSTEM/2 CORRECTIVE SERVICE DISKETTE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This file contains important information that should be reviewed prior to starting the "FIX" procedure. A brief explanation of how the "FIX" procedure functions is included along with some precautions that should be followed. Please read the entire README file before continuing with the "FIX" procedure. The "FIX" procedure consists of seven (7) Read-Only files located in the root directory of IBM OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette 1. These files are: FIX.EXE SYSFIX.COM (OS/2 only) FIX2.CMD FIX3.CMD XRcnnnn_.001 (For Standard Edition 1.1) FIXOS2.EXE WRcnnnn_.001 (For Extended Edition 1.1) README.TXT (c = country / nnnn = CSD number) There is also a subdirectory named \FIX. If more than one (1) OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette is required, each additional diskette will contain a \FIX subdirectory and XRcnnnn_.00s or WRcnnnn_.00s (s = sequence number). The \FIX subdirectory contains other subdirectories (\OS2, \TLK, \REQ, \SRV, \CMLIB\ACS, \CMLIB\FG1, \CMLIB\FG2, \SQLLIB\SQL, \SQLLIB\QRW) depending on the files that will be replaced during the "FIX" procedure. The "FIX" procedure will replace ALL, repeat ALL, occurrences of a file on the fixed disk. Systems with multiple logical fixed disk drives (C thru Z) and/or systems with two (2) physical fixed disks will have all occurrences of these files replaced on all fixed disk drives. If there are non-OS/2 files on the fixed disk(s) with the same name as the OS/2 files to be replaced, they must be safeguarded. A feature of the "FIX" procedure will allow you to bypass one (1) subdirectory on each logical fixed disk during the MODULE REPLACEMENT phase. All subdirectories of this subdirectory will also be bypassed. By creating a subdirectory and copying the above described files into it, they will not be replaced. If more than one physical/logical fixed disk is installed, you will have the option to bypass replacing files on the entire fixed disk drive. A list of the OS/2 files to be replaced can be obtained by inserting the OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette into drive A: and typing the following command: DIR A:\FIX\ddd (ddd = subdirectory) If there is more that than one (1) OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette, repeat this command after inserting the next diskette. * * * * * * * * * * * * W A R N I N G * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OS/2 and PC/DOS can have identical file names. If * * there are PC/DOS files on the fixed disk(s), they must * * be safeguarded. This can be accomplished by putting * * the PC/DOS files in a DOS subdirectory and bypassing it * * during the MODULE REPLACEMENT phase. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * W A R N I N G * * * * * * * * * * * * * The fixes contained on the OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette(s) have been tested in a standard OS/2 environment prior to distribution. As a precaution, it is recommended that a BACKUP of the system be made before starting the "FIX" procedure. (Refer to the IBM Operating System/2 User's Reference on using the BACKUP utility.) Problems encountered during or immediately following the "FIX" procedure should be reported to the IBM Service Center via the IBM OS/2 Service Coordinator. (Refer to the IBM Operating System/2 Service Coordinator's Guide for proper reporting procedures.) The "FIX" procedure consists of three (3) phases. These are Installation, Module Replacement, and Clean Up. The following is a detailed description for running the "FIX" procedure and what is occurring during execution. Once the "FIX" procedure is started, please read all screens completely before performing the requested steps. INSTALLATION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1) Start the system from drive C: 2) Select "OS/2 full-screen command prompt" 3) Insert OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette 1 into drive A: 4) To make drive A: the current drive, at the command prompt, type: A: 5) Press Enter 6) At the A: prompt, type: FIX 7) Press Enter After the logo screen, the FIX program will display an informational screen. All items on this screen should be satisfied before allowing the program to continue. If this is the first IBM OS/2 Corrective Service Installation, a FIXLOG.nnn file (nnn = OS2 for OS/2, TLK for the TOOLKIT, or LAN for LAN Server) will be created in the root directory of drive C:. The program will record everything it does in this file. Succeeding installations will copy the FIXLOG.nnn file into a PRELOG.nnn file and create a new FIXLOG.nnn file. Reinstallation of a Corrective Service Diskette will only create a new FIXLOG.nnn file. There are two (2) hidden system files on drive C:. If these files need to be replaced, this action occurs at this time. The program creates a temporary subdirectory on drive C:, named C:\IBMTEMP. The "FIX" procedure programs are copied into this subdirectory. If a subdirectory with this name already exists on drive C:, the files in it must be removed or they will be erased. Additional temporary subdirectories will be created, depending on the features installed on the system, named C:\IBMTEMP\ddd (ddd = \OS2, \TLK, \REQ, \SRV, \CMLIB\ACS, \CMLIB\FG1, \CMLIB\FG2, \SQLLIB\SQL, \SQLLIB\QRW). The replacement modules are copied into these subdirectories. Once again, if a subdirectory with any of these names already exists on drive C:, the files in it must be removed or they will be erased. When the INSTALLATION phase has finished, remove the IBM OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette and insert either the original IBM OS/2 1.1 Installation Diskette or an unmodified copy. Errors encountered during the INSTALLATION phase are recorded in the FIXLOG.nnn file and also displayed. MODULE REPLACEMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1) Insert original IBM OS/2 1.1 Installation Diskette into drive A: 2) Start the system from drive A: The Installation Diskette will detect that Corrective Service is being installed and ask the following question. Is Corrective Service being installed ? (y/n) A NO response will result in the execution of System Installation. A YES response will start the MODULE REPLACEMENT phase. The MODULE REPLACEMENT phase will replace all the files contained in the C:\IBMTEMP\ddd subdirectories. The program will allow you to bypass one (1) subdirectory on each physical/logical fixed disk drive. You are asked if a subdirectory is to be bypassed. If the answer is YES, you are prompted to enter the full subdirectory name. Example: C:\subdirectory\subdirectory When the MODULE REPLACEMENT phase has finished, you will be prompted to remove the IBM OS/2 Installation Diskette and insert the IBM OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette 1. The MODULE REPLACEMENT program will evoke the CLEAN UP phase. CLEAN UP ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This phase will erase all the files in the temporary subdirectories and remove the subdirectories. The log files will be made Read-Only to safeguard them. When the CLEAN UP phase has finished, remove the IBM OS/2 Corrective Service Diskette and start the system from drive C:.