NeXT User Profile

Instituto Tecnol—gico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
Mexico's premier technical institution
210 NeXT systems at main and satellite campuses
Key software:
Mathematica, FrameMaker, MediaStation, SAS, Improv, Create, WordPerfect, TopDRAW, custom apps, public-domain software
Purchase cycle:
NeXT took the bid away from a vendor that already had a signed contract by disclosing its new machines and improved university pricing.
$1 million. Approximately 85 percent is hardware, 15 percent software.
Immediate goal:
Provide faculty with the ability to customize lessons and exams and seed specific departments and student populations.
Long-range goal:
Empower each faculty member with a single, networked scholar's workstation and promote open systems throughout the general student body.