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Concept Index


  • #define
  • #elif
  • #else
  • #endif
  • #endshell
  • #error
  • #if
  • #ifdef
  • #ifndef
  • #include
  • #line
  • #shell
  • #undef
  • .

  • .def file
  • .tpl file
  • .tpl, file name
  • a

  • allow-errors
  • arg-default
  • arg-optional
  • arg-range
  • arg-type
  • argument
  • Augmenting AutoGen
  • AutoEvents
  • AutoFSM
  • autogen invocation
  • autogen usage
  • autogen-base-name
  • autogen-define
  • autogen-definitions
  • autogen-equate
  • autogen-lib-template
  • autogen-load-functions
  • autogen-load-scheme
  • autogen-loop-limit
  • autogen-override-tpl
  • autogen-select-suffix
  • autogen-show-defs
  • autogen-show-shell
  • autogen-skip-suffix
  • autogen-source-time
  • autogen-templ-dirs
  • autogen-timeout
  • autogen-trace
  • autogen-trace-out
  • autogen-undefine
  • autogen-writable
  • AutoInfo
  • AutoMan pages
  • automatic options
  • autoopts
  • AutoOpts API
  • AutoXDR
  • b

  • before-guile-boot
  • c

  • call_proc
  • columns invocation
  • columns usage
  • columns-by-columns
  • columns-col-width
  • columns-columns
  • columns-first-indent
  • columns-format
  • columns-indent
  • columns-input
  • columns-line-separation
  • columns-separation
  • columns-sort
  • columns-spread
  • columns-tab-width
  • columns-width
  • comments
  • Common Option Attributes
  • compound definitions
  • concat-string
  • conditional emit, conditional emit
  • copyright
  • d

  • default
  • define directive
  • define macro
  • Definition-less
  • definitions
  • definitions file
  • descrip
  • design goals
  • detail
  • directives
  • disable
  • documentation
  • documentation attributes
  • Dynamic Definition Text
  • e

  • elif directive
  • else directive
  • enable
  • enabled
  • endif directive
  • endshell directive
  • environrc
  • equivalence
  • error directive
  • example, simple
  • explain
  • export
  • expression syntax
  • extract_code
  • f

  • features
  • finite state machine
  • flag_code
  • flag_proc
  • flags-cant
  • flags-must
  • fOptState
  • for loop
  • futures
  • g

  • getdefs invocation
  • getdefs usage
  • getdefs-agarg
  • getdefs-assign
  • getdefs-autogen
  • getdefs-base-name
  • getdefs-common-assign
  • getdefs-copy
  • getdefs-defs-to-get
  • getdefs-filelist
  • getdefs-first-index
  • getdefs-input
  • getdefs-linenum
  • getdefs-ordering
  • getdefs-output
  • getdefs-srcfile
  • getdefs-subblock
  • getdefs-template
  • guile-main
  • h

  • here-string
  • homerc
  • i

  • identification
  • if directive
  • if test
  • ifdef directive
  • ifndef directive
  • immed_disable
  • immediate
  • immediate action
  • include
  • include directive
  • Installation
  • Introduction
  • k

  • keyword
  • l

  • line directive
  • loading rc files
  • long-opts
  • looping, for
  • m

  • m4
  • macro syntax
  • macro, pseudo
  • man-doc
  • max
  • min
  • n

  • name
  • named option mode
  • naming values
  • native macros
  • no-preset
  • o

  • optActualIndex
  • optActualValue
  • optIndex
  • Option Argument Handling
  • option argument name
  • Option Arguments
  • option attributes
  • Option Conflict Attributes
  • Option Definitions
  • option descriptor
  • option documentation
  • Option Processing Data
  • optionLoadLine
  • optOccCt
  • opts-ptr
  • optValue
  • p

  • predefines
  • prefix
  • preserve-case
  • prog-desc
  • prog-info-descrip
  • prog-man-descrip
  • prog-name
  • prog-title
  • program attributes
  • pseudo macro, pseudo macro
  • pzLastArg
  • pzProgName
  • pzProgPath
  • q

  • Quick Start
  • r

  • rcfile
  • rcsection
  • Redirecting Output
  • remote procedure call
  • Required Attributes
  • RPC
  • rpcgen
  • s

  • saving rc files
  • settable
  • shell directive
  • shell options
  • shell-generated string
  • simple definitions
  • simple example
  • Special Option Handling
  • stack_arg
  • standard options
  • string, double quote
  • string, shell output
  • string, single quote
  • t

  • template file
  • template, file name
  • test-main
  • tpl, file name
  • u

  • undef directive
  • usage
  • using AutoOpts
  • v

  • value
  • version
  • w

  • while test
  • x

  • XDR

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