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columns usage help (-?)

This is the automatically generated usage text for columns:

@exampleindent 0

columns - Columnize Input Text - Ver. 1.1
USAGE:  columns [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]...
  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
   -W Num width          Maximum Line Width
   -c Num columns        Desired number of columns
   -w Num col-width      Set width of each column
      Num spread         maximum spread added to column width
   -I YES indent         Line prefix or indentation
      YES first-indent   First line prefix
                                - requires these options:
      Num tab-width      tab width
   -s opt sort           Sort input text
   -f YES format         Formatting string for each input
   -S YES separation     Separation string - follows all but last
      YES line-separation string at end of all lines but last
      no  by-columns     Print entries in column order
   -i YES input          Input file (if not stdin)
   -v opt version        Output version information and exit
   -? no  help           Display usage information and exit
   -! no  more-help      Extended usage information passed thru pager

Options may be specified by doubled hyphens and their name
or by a single hyphen and the flag character (option value).

This program was designed for the purpose of generating compact,
columnized tables.  It will read a list of text items from standard
in or a specified input file and produce a columnized listing of
all the non-blank lines.  Leading white space on each line is
preserved, but trailing white space is stripped.  Methods of
applying per-entry and per-line embellishments are provided.
See the formatting and separation arguments below.

This program is used by AutoGen to help clean up and organize
its output.

@exampleindent 4

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