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The processing directives and comments are not part of the grammar. They are handled by the scanner/lexer. The following was extracted directly from the defParse.y source file:
definitions : identity def_list TK_END { $$ = (YYSTYPE)(rootDefCtx.pDefs = (tDefEntry*)$2); } ; def_list : definition { $$ = $1; } | definition def_list { $$ = addSibMacro( $1, $2 ); } | identity def_list { $$ = $2; } ; identity : TK_AUTOGEN TK_DEFINITIONS anyname ';' { $$ = identify( $3 ); } ; definition : value_name ';' { $$ = makeMacro( $1, (YYSTYPE)"", VALTYP_TEXT ); } | value_name '=' text_list ';' { $$ = makeMacroList( $1, $3, VALTYP_TEXT ); } | value_name '=' block_list ';' { $$ = makeMacroList( $1, $3, VALTYP_BLOCK ); } ; text_list : anystring { $$ = startList( $1 ); } | anystring ',' text_list { $$ = appendList( $1, $3 ); } ; block_list : def_block { $$ = startList( $1 ); } | def_block ',' block_list { $$ = appendList( $1, $3 ); } ; def_block : '{' def_list '}' { $$ = $2; } ; anystring : anyname { $$ = $1; } | TK_STRING { $$ = $1; } | TK_NUMBER { $$ = $1; } ; anyname : TK_OTHER_NAME { $$ = $1; } | TK_VAR_NAME { $$ = $1; } ; value_name : TK_VAR_NAME { $$ = findPlace( $1, (YYSTYPE)NULL ); } | TK_VAR_NAME '[' TK_NUMBER ']' { $$ = findPlace( $1, $3 ); } | TK_VAR_NAME '[' TK_VAR_NAME ']' { $$ = findPlace( $1, $3 ); } ;
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