The mountables
declaration need only be used if you are using
cfengine's model for mounting NFS filesystems. This declaration informs
hosts of what filesystem resources are available for mounting. This
list is used in conjunction with binservers
to determine which filesystems a given host should
mount, according to the cfengine model.
The syntax of the list is:
mountables: class:: server:/site/server/u1 server:/site/server/local linuxhost:/site/linuxhost/local linuxhost:/site/linuxhost/u1
Notice that binary and home-directory filesystems are mixed freely here.
Cfengine determines which of the entries are homedirectories using the
Every time you add a disk or a mountable partition to your network, you should add the partition to the list of mountables.
NOTE: This list is read in order, top down. Cfengine looks for
the first filesystem matching a given binary server when expanding the
variable $(binserver)
, so sometimes the ordering of filesystems
This list can be accessed in editfiles, to allow straightforward
configuration of the automounter, using the command AutomountDirectResources
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