Here's the way around this. First, drag the file from the work-space into a topic. The picture will move with that topic and will separate that topic from the following one. Next, move to the Slide View (if you don't have one, create it) and select the slide representing the topic with the picture. When you select the text in the topic in the Slide View and look at the Inspector, you are offered the option to view the picture file as its file icon or as the actual file. There are some limitations: You cannot resize or move the picture. If this is a problem, either wait for 2.0 or drag-and-drop the image as you did in the past, straight into the Slide View.
There are all kinds of surprises like this in Create and other Stone Design applications. Try holding down the Command, Alternate, or Shift keys while doing some mundane task. Sometimes the best features are the forgotten debugging tools.
Call up the panel by selecting Preferences from the Info option in Workspace Manager's menu. If you maintain a huge File Viewer to have more Shelf space, here's a handy solution that will free up valuable workspace real estate. First select Shelf from Preferences's pop-up menu, then click the check box for Resizable Shelf. You'll notice that you now have a dimple in the center of the shelf. This acts just like the Librarian app, so drag it down a few steps and you've just doubled your Shelf space. You can also shrink the width of file and folder names in the same Shelf panel. This is done by dragging the arrows on either side of the text field. At its smallest, you can fit at least one more item into the Shelf for every three columns in your File Viewer.
Another way to conserve space is to shrink the default width for the File Viewer, which also affects the width of the Shelf. If you have problems recognizing the names of files because your File Viewer is too small for the name, then you can use this method to expand the width of the File Viewer's columns.
Greg Burd is president of the Albuquerque NeXT User Group.