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slnr-src.tgz Software Description

Home directory of slnr-src.tgz

The SLNR package is an off-line usenet news reader : it is intended for users
who want to connect to a host, download a packet with new messages, read
them on their home machine and upload the replies later.

Slnr stands for "Simple Local News Reader" and is one of the packages that
can read and write packet using the emerging Simple Offline Usenet Packet
(SOUP) standard.

The slnr package contains the following files

- getnews.c : This program runs on your unix machine and get all unread 
articles in all subscribed newsgroups as well as your new mail and creates a 
packet (.zip, .arc, .zoo) that you can download and view with slnr.

- getnews.doc: Explaining how to compile getnews on your machine and how to
configure it using the .getnewsrc file

- slnr.c : The offline news reader which runs on your local machine and let 
you view and reply to messages. So far there is a Unix, Dos and Atari 

- postreply.c : Like getnews this program runs on unix machine and post mail
and news articles from the reply packet.

- colour.h : needed in slnr.c

- sig.txt  : optional signature to be appended at the end of your messages

- soup12.doc : The packet format

- slnr.doc : First try at a documentation

- Makefile : A makefile for unix (needed for getnews and NNTP)

If you have any problems please mail [email protected] stating the directory and/or file you had problems with.

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