YAMAHA "SoftSynthesizer(TM)" S-YXG50 V3 Readme.txt Thank you for using this software. Since this is a "software MIDI tone generator," it differs significantly from most conventional applications, so please read this document before installing the software. Your use of this software is conditioned on your acceptance of the terms given in "License.txt". You must read the License Agreement before you use the software. (The License Agreement will also be displayed when you install the software.) Except for applicable items within the troubleshooting section, version numbers have been omitted. *************************** < Important > **************************** To avoid causing problems on your computer, be sure to read "Operating environment" and "Installation/un-installation procedure" before you install the software. ============= < Operating environment > ======================= Computer IBM-PC or AT compatible CPU Pentium 166MHz or better Real memory 16MB or more Operating system Windows 95 / Windows 98 Sound functionality PCM sound functionality is required * DirectX 5 is supported (DirectX 6 recommended). Installing it will improve the response time of notes. ================================================================ [Contents] 1. Introduction 2. Specifications 3. Features 4. Installation / un-installation procedure 5. Troubleshooting 1. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------- This is a software "MIDI tone generator" that uses the sound functionality and CPU power of your computer to produce sound. An XGplayer for playing MIDI data is included. For details, please refer to the Help file that is created when you install the software. 2. Specifications ---------------------------------------------------- Tone generator section Tone generation method PCM / WAVE TABLE Number of parts 16 parts Polyphony 256 voices Number of sounds 676 sounds + 21 drumkits / SFX kits (XGmode: 480 sounds + 11 drum kits / SFX kits) Tone generator modes XG / GM / TG300B Dynamic filter section Filters Dynamic filters for each note Effect section Reverb 11 types Chorus 11 types Variation 43 types (distortion, delay, etc.) 3. Features ------------------------------------------------------------- - Full support of the XG format: - Polyphony: 256 notes - CD-quality playback: 44 kHz / 22 kHz / 11kHz - Minimum note response time 80 ms (when DirectSound is on) - Simultaneous playback of MIDI and audio 4. Installation / un-installation procedure ----------------------------- If a SoftSynthesizer (S-YG20 etc.) is already installed, you must first un-install it (delete the software). < Installing the SoftSynthesizer > 1. Double-click setup.exe 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the installation. 3. Re-start Windows, and the software will be available for use. < Un-installing the SoftSynthesizer > 1. Click on Start - Program (P) - "YAMAHA SoftSynthesizer S-Yxxx" - [Un-install S-Yxxx]. 2. Follow the on-screen instructions. 3. Re-start Windows to complete the procedure. For version 3 alone, you can also delete the software using "Add/ Remove programs". ********************************************** Attempting to delete the software in any other way will cause problems! ********************************************** 5. Troubleshooting ---------------------------------------------------------- If due to an unsuccessful installation etc. you are unable to correctly un-install the software, you will need to use the following procedure to re-install. If you failed in an attempt to delete S-YXG20 or S-YXG50 files that you were previously using, you will also need to delete these files. (Refer to the online help after installation.) ******************* Checking the screen display ************************* Depending on your settings in Windows, files which actually exist may not be shown on the screen. Please be sure to check this. (This setting will not affect the operation of your computer.) (1) Right-click on [Start] and select [Explorer] (2) From the menu at the top, select [View]-[Options]. (3) Select [Display all files]. (4) Un-check the [Don't show registered filename extensions] box. ************************************************************************** < For the S-YXG50 V.3 / S-YG20 V.3 > 1. Select 2. Type system.ini and press [Enter] 3. When the search result returns system.ini, press [Enter] In the [drivers] section, delete the comment midi#=sxgma.drv wave#=sxgma.drv mixer#=sxgma.drv (If there is no such line, proceed to step 8.) (# is a numeral that will differ depending on your computer) 4. From Notepad, save the file and exit 5. Exit the search 6. Select < Start - Shutdown Windows - Restart computer > 7. Select < Start - Find - File or folder > 8. Type sxg*.* and press [Enter] 9. From the search results, select the following files, right-click the mouse and choose (In some cases, not all of these files may remain) sxgma.drv sxgapi.dll sxgapi32.dll sxgcpu.dll sxgma32.dll sxgmasys.dll sxgmacpl.cpl sxgmx.dll sxgmx32.dll sxgxg.dll sxgxgknl.vxd sxgwave2.tbl (S-YXG50 only) sxgtkbar.exe (S-YXG50 only) sxgunins.dlll 10. (S-YG20 only) Press "New conditions," type "sgpwav00.tbl" and press [Enter]. If it appears, delete it. 11. Exit the search < If S-YXG50 Ver.1.x - Ver.2.1 is still on your computer > First execute the procedure ** Checking the screen display ** which was given above. 1. Select 2. Type system.ini and press [Enter] 3. When the search results show system.ini, press [Enter] - In the [386Enh] section, delete the device=vswp.vxd - In the [drivers] section, delete the midi#=sxgb.drv wave#=sxgb.drv mixer#=sxgb.drv comments (# is a numeral which will differ depending on your computer) (Depending on the version, some models may not have the mixer#=sxgb.drv comment) (If neither comments are present, proceed to step 8.) 4. Save the file from Notepad and exit 5. Exit the search 6. Select < Start - Exit Windows - Restart computer > 7. Select < Start - Find - File or folder > 8. Type sxg*.* and press [Enter] (In the following search we assume that all files remain) 9. From the search results, select the following files, right-click with the mouse, and choose sxgb.drv sxg05mx1.dll sxg05mx3.dll sxgbcpl.cpl sxgbsys.dll sxgwave2.tbl 10. Type mmx*.* and press [Enter] 11. From the search results select the following files, right-click with the mouse, and choose mmxswp00.dll mmx32x00.dll 12. Type vswp.vxd and press [Enter] 13. From the search results, select the vswp.vxd file, right-click with the mouse, and choose 14. Exit the search < If S-YG20 Ver.1 is still on your computer > First execute the procedure ** Checking the screen display ** which was given above. 1. Select 2. Type system.ini and press [Enter] 3. When the search results show system.ini press [Enter] From the [Drivers] section, delete the midi#=sgmpdrv00.dll wave#=sgmpdrv00.dll (# is a numeral that will be different depending on your computer) (If these comments do not exist, proceed to step 8) 4. Save the file in Notepad and exit 5. Exit the search 6. Select < Start - Exit Windows - Restart computer > 7. Select 8. Type sgp*.* and press [Enter] (In the following search we assume that all files remain) 9. From the search results, select the following files, right-click the mouse, and choose sgpctl.exe sgpdrv00.dll sgpmod00.dll sgpswp00.dll sgpwav00.tbl 10. Exit the search ================================================================================ * SoftSynthesizer is a trademark of Yamaha Corporation. * All other company names and product names in this document are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. (C) 1999 YAMAHA CORPORATION All Rights Reserved